Contact Person*If you have more than one account, please specify the location.REQUEST FOR CHANGE IN MILK DELIVERY Please enter quantity numbers ONLY where a change is required. Other quantities will remain as we currently have them recorded on file. MONDAYMonday 1%Gallons of 1% milkMonday 2%Gallons of 2% milkMonday Whole MilkGallons of whole milkTUESDAYTuesday 1%Gallons of 1% milkTuesday 2%Gallons of 2% milkTuesday Whole MilkGallons of whole milkWEDNESDAYWednesday 1%Gallons of 1% milkWednesday 2%Gallons of 2% milkWednesday Whole MilkGallons of whole milkTHURSDAYThursday 1% MilkGallons of 1% milkThursday 2% MilkGallons of 2% milkThursday Whole MilkGallons of whole milkFRIDAYFriday 1% MilkGallons of 1% milkFriday 2% MilkGallons of 2% milkFriday Whole MilkGallons of whole milkChangeWhat type of change is thismake this a permanent changethis is a one-day only changeSpecial Instructions